During the late 1940 until the late 1960s the ‘Cold War’ impelled nations to invest in education. The purpose was to create a population which could out think ‘the enemy’.
For those unaware of how focused the West/East were on producing the ‘Genius Generation’; everything from baby feeding to toilet training to continuous I.Q. testing to intense streaming of students was standard.
Children with I.Q.s above 130 were sent to special schools where they could be subject to accelerated learning. Entering University at the ages of 15/16 were not newsworthy.
In the Late 60s, having produced a generation which was not easily led, the introduction of drugs, the ‘breast is best’ campaign, and the dumbing down of the population was put in play.
The person who was born in the late 40s / early 50s was far more educated than their children born in 60s and 70s. Many subjects were ‘modified’ and streaming was replaced by putting the genius in the same class with the intellectually challenged.
The danger of this amalgamation is that a teacher would have to slow down so as not to lose the intellectually challenged, while boring the genius to ‘acting out’. This was countered by drugging the genius.
The introduction of disposable diapers led to late or no toilet training. The point of this activity is to teach the child control. By not teaching control, the child would not develop the ability to ‘wait’ leading to the enshrinement of the whining brat.
The parent, who as early as a year old could hold his defecation until reaching the potty was replaced by the five year old whose bowels opened as it chose, the child utterly incapable of comprehending he could control himself.
The I.Q. of the population, which considered 89 borderline retarded, in the 50s/60s is today, the Average I.Q.