
The Cristero War, 1926 – 1929

General Pedro Quintanar fought in the Cristero War for Mexico in 1926. He was the Great Great Grandfather of Israel Romero of Tijuana, Mexico, an internet friend on Facebook.

The Cristero War was from 1926 to 1929 in Mexico. It was also called La Cristiada, and it was started because of counter-revolution against the anti-clericalism of the ruling Mexican government. The rebellion was set off via enforcing Mexican Constitution of 1917 by Mexican President Plutarco Elías Calles in order to hinder the influence of the Roman Catholic Church and its sub-organizations.

Pedro Quintanar was the General for President Calles’ troops.  It started in 1926, and by 1929, there were 20,000 soldiers in this movement. But many poor people joined this movement. Pedro gathered 20,000 men for this movement in order to stop President Calles from trying to rid the Catholic Church’s interference in political acts. Pedro wanted the Catholic Church to interfere in Mexico’s politics.

Israel Romero is now a poor man in Tijuana, Mexico.

I went on Youtube to research Cristero War, and I finally found a video in English. There were many in Spanish.


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