
A Long Podcast “Proves” Shakespeare Knew Pattaya

In Jomtien, Pattaya, Thailand, The Poddiest Pod Was Cast

One memorable Thursday (it happened to be the 27th of July, 2017) I got sitting with a great guy and for more than an hour we chatted about literature, influences, life in Fun City (Pattaya), and just about everything else. I had lots I wanted to get off my chest, so I ranted and I raved, even managing to gather together enough thoughts to prove, yes, that is prove, that my mate Shakespeare and me, that’s “I” to the literate, go hand in hand down Walking Street of an evening, that’s Pattaya’s most famous, red-light street, inappropriately named “Walking” because no one walks it or if they do it’s because the wife’s on the old hairy arm. The podcast / interview is long but it doesn’t ramble; it also touches on religion, the past, the dangers of life in Fun City (mainly sitting on motorbikes), being a poet, a writer, and even on the death of letter-writing because of the internet. Here’s the link and I do hope you have time to listen.

If you want to know why Herman Melville didn’t like the smile, if you want to know why King Lear didn’t like the rain, if you want to know why guys jump off high-rises here in Pattaya, sit down for an hour and a bit, and listen. Gather your legs there on in under you, dunk a preposition in your steaming cup of hot caf di lay, park your particulars on soft cushions, listen away, and tell the blighter who is posting here what you really think of Homo sapiens.

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>

Two mates.


What do you think?

Written by Jonathan Finch

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