Whether it is a P.T.A or political party, a professional organisation or hobby club; one of the paths to destruction is when some one takes on all the power. This is on par with no one taking on any responsibility, save that there’s no one person to blame.
In this organisation, the President was a guy I called Pharaoh.

<a href="https://www.halloweencostumes.com/egyptian-costumes.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>
He did everything. The only time anyone did anything is when he requested/ordered. Other than that, he sucked in all authority.
Everyone sort of hated him. He demotivated everyone. When someone popped up suggesting they do… Pharaoh either absorbed the job, or designated it to one of his slaves.
When his term was up, Hand Puppet took over.

<a href="http://idekuhandmade.blogspot.mk/2010/04/hand-puppets-are-coming.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>
This was a guy so beyond stupid that one looked for the wires which operated him, for his brain was in permanent pause. This meant Pharaoh still exercised power.
After Hand Puppet came Ratty,

<a href="https://swordflasher.deviantart.com/art/Ratty-man-529171087" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>
a nephew of Pharaoh who didn’t try to do anything.
Then came the entrance of Mollusk. To say this guy was repulsive does not do him justice.

<a href="http://www.gambassa.com/public/project/1869/KimberleyDanielsandDayanneGonzalez.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>
There was not a single redeeming feature, nor did he have any more sense than Hand Puppet. However! He hated Pharaoh with such passion, that if the building was on fire and Pharaoh suggested catching water, he would say, NO.
As everyone on the Board hated Pharaoh, they joined behind Mollusk. Whatever Mollusk did or said, they agreed.
Persons who had taken a step back from the organisation when Pharaoh was in charge, paused, survived Hand Puppet and Ratty, but Mollusk? Mollusk had people staying home.

<a href="http://corbiniansbear.blogspot.mk/2015/05/new-survey-shows-us-church-in-decline.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>
At the end of Mollusk’s term, the kitty was empty, all the best people were AWOL.
The fact was, that all Mollusk had energy for was attacking Pharaoh, so that even after Pharaoh was at the edge, had no say or power, he focused on trying to slap down Pharaoh with no greater benefit than his own very big and sick ego.