Faberge eggs – luxury embroidered softest emotions in the Christian world, Easter is one of the most important and favorite holidays, when with much love and joy colorful eggs donated by family members and friends, a festive spirit with the first breath of spring is in all homes. Far in 1885 the aging, the Russian Tsar Alexander III wished that on Easter Sunday his wife, Empress Maria Fjodorovnoj, presents something unusual … for them it was a special year, where they celebrated the twentieth anniversary .wanting to impress her, engaged the court jeweler Peter Karl Faberge to make her the most precious Easter egg … that is how the “eGG KOKA” and a tradition was born .
Every year, a team of exceptional Faberžeov jeweler has worked for months on the egg for Easter surrendered the imperial family. ..I did not car before Easter not know how it will look like. forms varied from the imperial carriage, in which the hearts were placed portraits of the royal family, to those who celebrate the most important events of Russian history.
After the death of Tsar Alexander III tradition was continued by his son, Nikolai Alexandrovich, the last all-Russian emperor … Since 1894, Faberge was making two unique Easter eggs each year, one for the mother of Emperor Nicholas, Maria Feodorovna, and one for his wife, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. Until the Russian revolution in 1917, when Nikolai Alexandrovich abdicated, Faberge workshop made a total of 52 of the most luxurious and most extravagant Easter eggs that the world has seen to date … has been saved 43 small masterpieces of imperial jeweler who are in possession of private collectors, museums and institutions around the world … We present to you some of the most beautiful, and those bearing the most interesting family stories Russian emperor.