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10 Cities where the ICE raids will take place on Sunday


The US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) plan to raid the residences of undocumented immigrants of ten major American cities this Sunday.  If you live in these ten cities, then things may become adventerous over the weekend unless you plan to go out of town to celebrate the awesome summer weather.  Here are the 10 cities where the ICE raids will take place on Sunday.

New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco, Houston, Denver, Miami, New Orleans, Baltimore, and Atlanta.

It’s possible that the ICE raids in New Orleans may be postponed due to Tropical Storm Barry that is currently along the Gulf Coast.


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Written by ahol888

Coolest dwarf in the world. Expert on the topic of mediocrity.


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  1. It makes me want to cry thinking too deeply about this …. I have made “art” about this or “art crimes” – you know slaps and stuff.
    I only can repeat a concept that bears repeating, “More rights for others doesn’t mean less rights for you. It’s not pie.”

    • The reason why this was announced is to see how people in country will react. That’s why the raids were postponed because there was too much of an outcry the first time. Then, they re-announced the raids this week and there was not as much push-back. It’s like when a frog is boiled. The frog is placed in a pot of cool water. Then, the temperature is increased in increments. The frog does not realize that it’s being cooked.

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