
Photo Challenge Day 14-Wood Pile

Photo challenge day 14. I chose the newest wood pile in my back yard. These were given to us by a co-worker. The pieces are way too big for our wood stove, and will need to be cut down to size with a chainsaw. The chainsaw needs to be repaired, so it will be a while before the job is done. But it is still months before we will need to use the wood stove.

We will probably get most of our wood for free this year. There are at least two family members who will be bringing over wood this month. Not that wood is expensive around here, but who is going to say no to free wood?


What do you think?

Written by riverwild


  1. The man who lives across the street from me runs a tree removal service and has a community woodpile where he leaves pieces from the trees he takes out and trims. Anyone is free to take wood from there and there is often wood there. I do not have a wood stove (sigh).