
Love ItLove It

Get me, please – If they could ….”

Get me, please. Was that what he wanted me to say. I’m not sure. For a long time I had not gone to the lighthouse. Before I got up, I saw that at the end of the iron props to the very rocks by the sea houses were made for stray cats. I’m not sure if they were built by the Animal Protection Company. But I liked the idea myself. Inside the houses there are things set on the floor so they do not sleep cold. I could not shoot one. For the simple reason that my battery is grilling. This idea intrigued me. I will come back again. To take pictures of them and show them to you.

If they could talk, they would tell us a lot of stories. If they could talk every day, they would tell us how much they love us. I want to challenge you every day of the week when you can join this challenge

These are the conditions for participation

1. Required photo in which one or more animals are present.

2. Use the words “If they could ….”in the title

3. Post to the Challenge category.

4. Use hashtag #Iftheycould

© Elenka Smilenova 2018 – All Rights Reserved


What do you think?

12 Points

Written by lacho59