
365 Day Photo Challenge Day 81

I meant to share this on Sunday morning when I took it with the Bloomsky camera, but I shared Raven and Serenity instead. This picture is of a gray sky, rain and the reality of a lost weekend. Lost in that we were inside the whole weekend other than the dog’s walk. Yesterday in the afternoon as we took our walk, it wasn’t raining. It didn’t rain the entire walk but started up again shortly after we got home.

It had rained all morning. Saturday was a complete washout. It rained the entire day.

Back in the day rain meant reading and relaxing. Now it means relaxing with Netflix. I should have spent more time reading some of the wonderful blogs I don’t always get to spend the time on, that I would like.

There is something still from my childhood about watching the rain. I love the way it streaks down the windows and floats magically through the air. It makes me feel like the world is being cleaned and that all will be new. It isn’t, and I know that, but that feeling still lives deep inside me.


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!