
365 Day Photo Challenge Day 184 (the moon)

I have reached the peak and touched the sky! Or, more fairly I have submitted more than half of the 365 day photo-challenge pictures. I am as they say, on the downhill slide! I posted a picture I took of the moon in daylight the other day as a share. Today, if you look at the weather camera picture you see the moon as the morning is beginning. One of the coolest things I have found in recent months as far as way cool tech, is the AstroReality moon, solar system, and footprint AR sets. An AR trigger or set is something you can see on your cellular camera. You open their application (which is a great application by the way), and now you get more information. For example, when you look at Neil Armstrongs recreated lunar footprint, you get Walter Cronkite’s famous call of that event. Plus other facts and information. AR is cool, but connecting with the moon for me is even cooler!

Today is podcast day! I promised myself that I would get my May podcast shared today.  For some reason, I have pushed off a bunch of stuff this month (mostly I’ve been busy and boating season starts in April, I spend more time on the boat, and that leaves less time for other things).  But also this has been a hectic month at work. Today is catch up because it is the memorial weekend. I get three days to do all the things I need to do rather than the usual 2!

Anyone can join the photo challenge!


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!