
365 Day Photo Challenge Day 139

So I am still using the work around. The actual picture 138 for the photo challenge is out on facebook!

Today’s image is of a VR headset. The reality of VR (hah that was an intended pun) is that the market is still shifting and evolving.  So much so that you see headsets appear and disappear fairly quickly from the market. Occulus is the leader in the clubhouse (I watched the Masters Golf tournament last weekend, my favorite golf tournament)! I did not watch it in VR, although I could have with the Oculus or Windows headsets. The value of VR now is the integration creation more of the AR experience.

VR is a Virtual reality

AR is augmented reality

With VR headsets you can now experience AR, AR heads such as Hololens have allowed that for a long time!

Hey anyone can join the photo challenge!


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Another interesting corner in the featured photo! To be honest, I don’t know much about virtual reality. I am glad I can learn from you!
