
365 Day Photo Challenge Day 125

Wandering back to doing the collections we have in our house. This one is special in that it isn’t mine. The collection is my father’s. From the Geode (we found that when we first moved to Indiana, many years ago. It has been on display in my parent’s house ever since. My mother still has the other half.) None of the things in this collection unexpected. My father was a science teacher his whole life, at home, at work, and with his friends. He loved every single branch of the sciences. From Geology to Biology and all science.

I would say this collection represents who my father was. My happiest childhood moments were visiting my father’s lab at Indiana University. Or wandering in search of another geode as wonderful as the one we had found (we never did find one was wonderful as the one in the picture).

Anyone can join the photo challenge! Take a picture and share!


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!