
365 Day Photo Challenge Day 122

We walk further on the weekends than we do during the week. Raven. Our black lab doesn’t do well when other dogs bark at her. She is content to walk by any dog, except a dog barking at her. In part, I would suspect because she is protecting her twins. This is the method used by one of the twins yesterday to contain the boofer. The twins (and apparently other people on the internet) have created a framework to define dogs barking. Boofers, yappers and so on. Raven is a boofer, meaning she has a huge bark.

This picture is from just down the street from our house. Between the clubhouse and our house.

The first flower of spring in our neighborhood this year is roofing crews replacing roofs after the March wind storm!

Anyone can join the photo challenge! All you need is a picture less than seven days old and a Virily account so you can post! PS, this is my 22nd day in a row with no thumb pictures!


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!