This is #121 of the 365 Day Photo Challenge, Anyone can join, just share a photo for 365 days.
If you want motivation when trying something new, why not write down your progress in a notebook, or journal. It maybe the motivation you need for success. You could use this method, when starting a diet, or even starting a new job. Write down your thoughts, and it may help toward success. Good luck!
Image Credit-LaJenna
Then change that habit lol, and start remembering. Thank you!
Great suggestion, I find if I write goals and progress down and end up moving faster towards the goal!
Yes, Doc you are so right. I once read a book called ‘Write it down make it happen.’ It made a lot of sense. Thank you!
Great idea. I have many journals I write all kinds of things down in, and one important thing to remember is to always date your entries. You will thank yourself later.
I see your point to always date entries. Thank you Carol my friend.
Lol, my problem is… I always misplace my notebooks :’D
lol I do understand alibb, I used to be the same way. I am more organized now, hope it lasts lol. Thank you!
Haha, I believe it will last for you …
you’ve been persevering with the 365 photo challenge for so long … 🙂
I am determined, so I will succeed. Thank you alibb for all your support.