31, October, somebody celebrates Halloween, and some St. Luka. Orthodox believers celebrate him as healers, and protectors of certain crafts. St. Luka is one of the first preachers of Christianity, and the contemporary of Jesus Christ. He is believed to have personally known the Virgin, and that the three icons with her image that he painted were closest to her true appearance. He died in 84 years of life. Because of the faith in Christ, he was hanged on the olive tree in the town of Tiva.

<a data-snax-placeholder="Source" class="snax-figure-source" href="https://www.google.rs/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjT0LyDprPeAhXR-KQKHexEDngQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Fstil.kurir.rs%2Ftrpeza%2F55245%2Fsavrsena-slavska-trpeza-ovih-5-stvari-moraju-da-se-nadu-na-stolu-recepti&psig=AOvVaw3oO-DsLccv4y1RGfV9OKYz&ust=1541165219618540" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">https://www.google.rs/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjT0LyDprPeAhXR-KQKHexEDngQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Fstil.kurir.rs%2Ftrpeza%2F55245%2Fsavrsena-slavska-trpeza-ovih-5-stvari-moraju-da-se-nadu-na-stolu-recepti&psig=AOvVaw3oO-DsLccv4y1RGfV9OKYz&ust=1541165219618540</a>
St. Luka is the protector of my family. We took it to the church of Bread yesterday, which is especially adorned for this occasion. We also took cooked wheat and wine. The priest blesses all this. The bread is cut, and a little wine is poured into it. At home, every family member takes a spoon of grain, a little bread and drinks a sip of wine. My mom and I were preparing a luncheon. During the day guests came, congratulated us this day, and dined with us … It was nice, and solemn. On the wall in the room is the icon of St. Luka. underneath it is a cresset, and a large candle on the table. We had a wonderful day, and a nice gathering with our dear cousins and friends.
It’s always a pleasure for me to know something new about traditions & holidays of other countries. Great!!!
I also learn something new about other cultures every day.
it looks delicious, sure your family appreciated it
What’s on the picture is mandatory on every table. But, we prepare pork baking, soups, cabbage with meat, various salads, and cakes. It’s food that marks this kind of event.
if you want your family to come visit, offer to feed them
I learned something new … a very beautiful tradition
I love this site because I also learn something new about other cultures every day.
This is something completely new for me – we are different and we have different holidays
This kind of celebrations of saints is unique only for Serbs and Macedonians. Even in Macedonia this is a little different.
This was all new information for me.
I love this site because I also learn something new about other cultures every day. In my family, we have been celebrating this saint for more than 400 years. This is inherited from father to son .My father died, now my mom, and my brother are celebrating. I’m here to help prepare and be with them. In my house, a saint is celebrated that my husband inherited from his father. We’re a little complicated .. hah.
Interesting to read about different cultures and traditions.
I love this site because I also learn something new about other cultures every day