Thursday, January 11, 2018
While browsing on my Facebook page at 9 pm, I noticed a post. So, I decided to quote it on here to share the latest news from Palestine.
“Live from Gaza: One death and five wounded in the Gaza strip This Thursday, January 11, 2018:
Silence, we kill the children of Gaza! The Israeli army killed this Thursday, 11 January 2018, a 15-Year-old Palestinian child in the region in the centre of the Gaza strip. This Palestinian child was manifesting with more than 200 people in the security buffer zones imposed by Israeli occupation forces on the borders of the Gaza strip against the irresponsible decision of us president trump. These events are in addition to demonstrations in all Palestinian territories against trump’s declaration. Their message is clear: Jerusalem is Palestinian, and will always remain Palestinian. Israeli soldiers in these areas opened fire by killing one child and injuring five. What a shame to kill innocent children by this illegal occupation! Young demonstrators and despite the brutality of the Israeli occupation forces are more than ever determined to pursue this type of action. They challenge Israeli soldiers through their Palestinian flags in their hands and their peaceful actions. Israeli aggression against Palestinian civilians continues in all Palestinian territories. Nothing seems to change for Palestinians in Gaza at the beginning of this new year 2018: Blockades, attacks, incursions, bombings, deaths, injuries and suffering. In front of the complicit silence of this official international community. And in the absence of the media that obscure this reality. Gaza and the west bank defy occupation! Occupied Palestine resists! Worthy Palestine is more than ever determined! Gaza the wounded revolt for Jerusalem! Gaza locked up against injustice! Gaza resists, exists and lives! Gaza under patient blockade! Gaza dignity always keeps hope! Gaza determined continues to cling to life! Gaza the attack resists, persists and exists! The struggle continues! Palestine will live! Justice will triumph!”
Then, I decided to add the above video, which is a protest in NYC, displaying how many people used BDS against Lev Leviev Jeweler until they shut down his store. They boycotted the store until the owner shut it down.