<a rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" data-snax-placeholder="Source" class="snax-figure-source" href="https://images.law.com/contrib/content/uploads/sites/292/2020/02/AGRICULTURE-WASDE-Article-202002241557.jpg" target="_blank">https://images.law.com/contrib/content/uploads/sites/292/2020/02/AGRICULTURE-WASDE-Article-202002241557.jpg</a>
Monsanto is embarking upon another round of lawsuits for the second year in a row. Last year, thousands of people filed cases against the agricultural giant due to consumer contracting non-Hodgkins lymphoma (NHL) from spraying RoundUp on their lawns and fields. The trade-off for less weeds should not be more cancer.
This year, Mosanto will have to deal with the dicamba drift. Earlier this month, a farmer in Missouri won a $265 million verdict against Bayer, the owner of Monsanto, because the pesticide drifted from a different field onto his own property. That dicamba drift killed all of the peach trees in his orchard.
Bayer will eventually appeal this case, but the flood gates are starting to open again. Now, the litigants that have also filed lawsuits against Bayer in regards to the dicamba drift have risen to one hundred in just a couple of weeks.