
Blow Back – 3

During the years Sandy worked for Dylan they’d dated a number of other people at various levels of serious. Some were flings, momentary loves, others were a bit more substantial. But there was no one either had met who filled them.

It wasn’t a major issue.

Sandy wasn’t one of those women who wanted children and saw a clock ticking. She had a lot of outside interests and activities so after work, there was so much to see and do and be that she only went straight home and stayed home, when she was tired or not feeling well.

Usually, she’d wear or carry what she planned on wearing that evening to the office, and leave as soon as she could.

On occasion, Dylan might have a nemergency which would delay her departure, but only when it was something she was interested in seeing through did she stay.

Dylan, as Sandy, also had his outside interests and as she, he would go from the office to his engagement in what he wore that day, or what he carried.

There were no empty spaces in their lives. No retrospection or images of some other future than yesterday being like tomorrow.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar