
This Is Surely a Time For Rejoicing./Is It Not?

We finally changed our cooking oil to coconut. I’m using it on cuts and bruises and my wife’s skin is looking more radiant since changing to coconut, than when she was using the more expensive moisturizers and creams. I have been battling with so called “age related” arteriosclerosis and I am now also taking a tablespoon of the oil, in the morning when I get up. I have noticed a subtle change in the condition and not in a good way. What I am saying, is that the condition seems to be worsening. 

It is unfortunately, “early days” yet, and I cannot say with certainty that the coconut is causing it to worsen. I started doing more research and frankly, I’m more confused than before. It seems, as though there is as much evidence to the contrary as there is proof of its curative and beneficial characteristics.

In the attached video, and even here, there are as many pro’s as there are con’s regarding the health aspects of the oil. I am curious who among the readers of my article say coconut oil is good? And who feel that it is a food not to tough.


What do you think?

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