Always a pleasant feeling getting some reading along with the workout. Its like having a story being told to you as you embark on your fitness journey.

Strava badge, Lucozade Sport – Keep On Moving gained during this workout which required a total of 30 kilometers within a 3 week time period. I actually didn’t realize I joined this challenge, but hey! Its finished! Boom!

On the prowl for my next workout.

Warrior yoga pose

This run was fun because I incorporated music in with it. If music wasn’t playing I was walking instead of running. I enjoyed it because the intervals were only 3 to 4 minutes long. About the length of the song.

Laying on my back, looking up at the ceiling after completing a 20 x 2 bicycle crunches workout.
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How many people are there in the fitness center?
Very few! At the most I will encounter 3 others inside, but for the most part I have it to myself depending on when I visit.