Experts are considering cabbage as super food like Brussels Sproutes, because every day its new benefits are discovering. It contains the powerful ingredients and fiber treasures that fight cancer. Its basic is from brassica family and that is why it is a treasure of health.
According to experts, one cup flower cabbage contain 27 calories only. It has two gram proteins, 5.3 grams carbohydrates, two gram sugar and more than two grams of fibers. In addition, Vitamin C, Folait, Vitamins, and Vitamins B6 are also found in big quantity. However, it is amazing that it contains fatty zero.
Benefits of cabbage :-
Cabbage is full of antioxidants. These antioxidants prevent disaster and disorders at the cell level, that’s why it stops inflammation, internal irritation and many types of cancer.
Cabbage is extremely useful for stomach and it plays an important role in controlling blood pressure. On the other side, the amount of magnesium in cabbage is extremely useful for muscles and brain.
The cabbage contain Folait & vitamin B6 which keep brain and nervous system in a healthy condition. It maintains the minerals and ‘vitamin’ present in bones and the bones become healthy and strong. It does not increase the amount of calorie for weight.
Cabbage will be more useful if used with salads, yogurt and potatoes. If it is mixed with white rice or spicy rice, the children also enjoy it happily.
According to experts, cabbage nutrition can be cooked in any way in any form, which does not matter, but by boiling it, its nutrients are lost.
Note: Write feedback in comments section. Thank you!
The one problem is cabbage is hard to digest for some people but it does have many health benefits.
Yes, what you says is very correct.
Yes. It does wonder and it really help
I buy bagged lettuce these days with shredded cabbage in it, and now I have a reason to keep buying my lettuce like that. I have been trying to eat healthier these days.
that’s fantastic , you need to have it in daily routine for better effect
Wonderful to hear about cabbage. it always help due to its fiber content. nice sharing
Yes, thank you for comments – Keep sharing in your circle.
It’s very healthy and sour cabbage.I sour it in autumn and eat it all winter … to spring.It contains vitamins C and K and lots of fiber. Iron improves energy and immune system..because salt is coming into contact with it.It contains sodium.From sour cabbage makes beautiful meals and salads.
That’s really nice to heard from – you are the live example for other’s to take advantage of this super food.