I won’t be standing where you left me
won’t hold my breath for your decision
I won’t be waiting on your return
when you come to the obvious conclusion
I won’t be reading your texts
and won’t be waiting at the door
when you finally become bored
with the girl you left me for.
Yikes, sounds like you have to move one. Good luck!
exactly! Thanks for always commenting, and your votes too!
i am very delayed in responding. thank you so much for the read and comment! it means alot to me.
Short, Sweet, To the Point.
that’s how I like it! Thanks for the read and comment.
Wonderfully expressed.
sorry taking me so long to respond. Thank you so much for continuing to read and comment on my work. It means so much. Happy New Year!
Ah..very nice piece again, keep up the good work.
thank you!