Saturday, 2.22.20
Today, at 5 pm, I went to Showcase Gallery for another art reception. I decided to do a video of the art on display, and it ended up being 14 minutes long. I just used my iPhone6 to tour the art gallery exhibition, stopping at each artwork and meditating a couple of seconds.
The wooden boxes with a colorful painting on the top lid look cool, and practical for storing little items. There were lots of colorful scarves, sculptures, and artsy mobile. The art gallery is likely to turn into a store because many artists are creating artistic things.
I also liked the mixed media shadow box art. I have one, but I did it at graphic design school, and placed it inside a big shadow box I bought at Michaels. My collage assignment is based on a movie. I chose Sleepless in Seattle, and added similar scenes from magazines as well as a red straw and coffee cup from Seattle’s Best Coffee.
The artwork in this reception depict scenes from different countries and states. Therefore, I decided to call this video, Traveling via Art 2020.
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