For the month of August’s sketchapalooza, you get some head shots and a figure study. I think I did all of these back when I was at the university, but none of them were assignments
the Persistence of Sketchapalooza
Alex Ledante
7 Votes
artdoodleportraitsalvador dalisketchapaloozatraditionalWIP
there is no connection between the drawings and the CG- virily bolted two different posts together. hopefully they will honor my request to delete this post
Virily bolted two of my posts together- sketchapalooza and a WIP. I have asked them to delete this post…
Alex you are really gifted. I like the original recipe best. Although I must say I’ve always been fascinated with sketches.
Virily bolted two of my posts together- sketchapalooza and a WIP. I have asked them to delete this post…
Hmm… love the sketches but somehow I prefer the non-textured version because I could see the facial features better.
else #3 and #4 are nice
Virily bolted two of my posts together- sketchapalooza and a WIP. I have asked them to delete this post…
I am always amazed at your past and present talent. And this last one is really cool. I love the textures but something illuminating comes from the last one.
I’ve requested that they delete this post so I can repost the two separately. I don’t know why it takes so long to do that or why I don’t have the privs to do that myself…
Very intense and focused expression.
you can comment under images again!