While I understand that monks and sassiness are probably mutually exclusive, you get a lot of fanservice in JRPGs and this is meant to evoke that sort of design philosophy. Uncertain how far I am going to take this, but it could be as far as battle poses and such…
If she’s wearing a bra, she can’t be naked; the two are mutually exclusive…
You might comment on her state of undress but technically she isn’t undressed, so terms like nakedness or nudity don’t apply here
Being naked is like being pregnant; it is a binary state. You either are or aren’t. Are you really going to shame a fallen monk for being under dressed?
I’ve changed her eye texture and fixed the staff a bit, please look forward to it…
Great job on the arms. Hair is nice, too. The fleshy pad below her right thumb seems not to be in proportion to the fingers, but you can fix that easily by trimming it a bit smaller and softer.
That hand will be holding the shakujo anyway. I like the hair but it is a little much…
A little much is OK for a foxy woman. Helps distract the enemy!
Yeah, she’d distract the hell out of her foes…
I think her staff should be magical. Cool tattooes.
If she’s in a JRPG, her shakujo is pretty much guaranteed to be a magic item…
WOW of an outfit Alex
I really like it, too. But I wonder if it all works together…
Hmm… somehow I prefer the ringed staff to the character …
Probably her eyes doesn’t appeals to me.
I’ve changed her eye texture and fixed the staff a bit, please look forward to it…