3780, Central Source
3781, Consistently Conscious
3782, Blushing Blessings
3783, Dimmed Self Limits
3784, Fresh Freedom
3785, Out Of Soul Alignment
The above list shows the sku number and title for each of the below images posted to my www.risingrims.com website today. On my website the images come and go so fast that I don’t bother to include titles when posting. And it only gets about 2 visits per week other than my daily visits to update it.
I am still struggling with the need to communicate verbally as well as visually with followers. I seem like such an imposter when writing. It is all made up stuff. While my painting, also made up stuff is more natural for me.
One of the reasons for sharing my work is to help uplift the viewer. So I am experimenting with a new titling scheme that encourages me to use more positive and uplifting titles. Most of my work is so abstract that coming up with a name that solidly identifies with the image is very difficult. My scheme auto suggests a title word from one of about 12k works that I am currently filtering down to be more interesting and hopefully motivational.
I find it almost impossible to reply to viewers comments here on Virily and welcome your feedback or discussion via email joel@risingrims.com.
I love and enjoyed your expression of color