
The Wolves

While there is much controversy about where the wolf should be allowed to live and the damage a wolf pack can cause, everyone can agree that it is a majestic and amazing creature. Because of my native American heritage and the need to have animals protected, I am always torn. The answers are not so cut and dried when your livelihood is a risk.

A nearby neighbor lost every ram they had and 30 other sheep in a matter of minutes while a wolfpack was teaching the young how to bring down an animal. Many of them we alive, but had been “eaten”.

While the government paid a fee for some of the sheep. There were years of breeding and the rancher could not make a livelihood.

Answers are not always easy. There are at least two sides to every issue.


What do you think?

Written by Ghostwriter


  1. It would perhaps be better, though, if the government actually did some research before making moves for repopulating wolves in certain areas. They had good notions when they determined that there were too few wolves left in Yellowstone and imported Canadian wolves to the park. They just didn’t do the research. The result; the much larger Canadian wolves wiped out the native wolves in the process of repopulating. They had considered the deer and elk in the park, but hadn’t realized that the native wolves would also be destroyed.
