
Helpful Dog Training Tips

Dressing your dog, it seems a complicated task. Yet, educating your dog is not that difficult, even if you are new to the subject.

No need to make your dog a circus animal: a good education will make you and your companion even more happy and accomplices.

Sit down in front of your dog

You must be the dominant! Here is one of the basic rules in dog training. If he does not respect you, your dog will not listen to you. To do this, you do not have to be violent.

Passing your dog when you leave a room, eat before him or push him away from time to time when he is in demand are all little things that will make your companion understand that you are the leader of the pack, not him. .
Before teaching your dog to respond to your orders, you will certainly have the opportunity to take him for walks. This is a good opportunity to make you respect and teach him the essentials: walk on a leash.

Your dog should always walk by your side. No way he pulls on the leash to go faster! To get used to not to overtake you, pull by small jolts on the leash of the dog if it advances too fast.

For his safety, your dog must understand you and obey orders. Once again, no need to be hard with the animal.
To educate the dog, it is essential to show him what you expect from him, with enthusiasm. If you want him to sit down, give him the order then press his rear end so that it runs. Repeat the exercise several times but take care of the dog, especially if it is still a puppy.

Do not be stingy in rewards. In order for your dog to understand that he has done well, fondle him or congratulate him.

Rumbling his dog

As a master, you have to learn to reprimand your dog. It must be rare, well done and always without violence. Indeed, a dog will not understand you more if you hit him or shout. On the contrary, he will have less confidence in you.

When he does something stupid, say “No”. For a puppy, you can at the same time lift it tactfully through the skin of the neck.

Finally, know that training your dog requires a lot of patience and understanding from the master. Dogs all have a very different character, some will be more receptive than others.

If you ever find it difficult to make your pet listen to reason, do not hesitate to call on a veterinarian, a behaviorist or a dog trainer.


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Written by Amazing Dog