
Love ItLove It

Do not go


Damyan Damyanov

Do not go! Do you hear, do not go!

Do not leave me alone with the evening.

Do not deceive yourself, do not deceive me,

That the world will ever meet us!

The world is holy! And how much to love,

And to weep and mourn,

As children in a forest will be lost,

If we do not hold hands with you.

I will call and you will turn.

Will my voice catch up with you?

You will cry – your voice will return

And maybe I will not hear it.

And we will live our lives that way

In shouts, in a cry: “Come, come!”

We will deaf and debilitate,

Will share an invisible rock.

We will become statues, which

One to another is eternally called,

But there is no longer a voice or a pulse in the chest

And have no power to draw near.

That roads that cross,

When they ever divide

As wounded snakes curve,

But it’s never the way …

Do not go!

Do you hear me?

Do not go!

© Elenka Smilenova 2017 – All Rights Reserved


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15 Points

Written by lacho59


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