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Bottom Sniffer – Doggy Beer

Bottom Sniffer – Beer for Dogs

“Give your dog real ‘tail swagger’ with this non-alcoholic, non-carbonated doggy beer. This ultimate doggy refreshment will help make your dog leader of the pack and will have other dogs sniffing their bottoms with jealousy!”

As noted on the label, this drink contains no alcohol. It’s a low-sugar malty drink with added hop flavour. I remember my dog used to love Guinness, which is a very hoppy (read ‘bitter’) dark stout, but dogs are notoriously sensitive to alcohol, so it’s really not responsible to give them more than a taste. It looks like this product solves the problem 🙂 Happy Christmas, doggies! Woof woof!


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18 Points


  1. GReat Label! and this is hysterical. This ultimate doggy refreshment will help make your dog leader of the pack and will have other dogs sniffing their bottoms with jealousy!” hahaha love it. At one of the grooming shops I worked at sold doggy beer, they had different flavors. beef, liver, chicken The dogs loved it, you poured it over a bit of kibble and it makes a yummy gravy.

    • Oh me too, in the pub. But dogs get inebriated on an amazingly small amount of alcohol, and of course they have no comprehension of what is happening to them, so I reckon it is actually cruel, although it may seem like harmless fun.

    • I saw doggy beer once before, imported from Belgium. But this is the first time I have seen it locally. I guess it is to cash in on people wanting to get a Christmas treat for their dog!