Here is a picture of the moon on a cloudy night. I love taking pictures of the moon, but this was one of those rainy, cloudy nights a few years ago.
The moon is a symbol of romance. It conjures up pictures of love, romance and lovers for most creative artists. There are numerous poems written about the moon. There is a mystic , dreamy quality to the moon. The soft silvery light it throws out seems to bathe the world in some kind of magic. Creativity seems to abound on moonlit nights.
I am no exception to that , I love full moon nights . I love to stroll around my garden on nights like this.
Question of
do you like watching the moon?
Question of
Do you like watching the moon?
Question of
Do you enjoying taking a stroll on a moonlit night?
Beautiful moon shot, I love watching the moon.
Thank you Carol, its so calming and wonderful to watch the moon and the heavenly bodies.
I watch the moon when I am sleeping on roof top
You sleep on the roof top? It must be a wonderful sight to watch the stars and the moon.
I find it very difficult to take a proper pic of the Moon, but yours is great
Thank you Abhishek, you just need steady hands i guess.
I avoid night outings. I have taken a few pictures of the moon. Remember super moon?
I did take some pictures of the blue moon, red moon and super moon too. But there was hardly any difference at least from where I too the pictures.
It also has negative effects on sleep, dear friend … in some I have no problem with it
I’ve never heard of that Lado, Only sometimes I need to draw the curtains because it can be quite bright on those full moon night.
With us we say if the moon can carry you … you sleep badly and you can wander around the apartment … have you never heard of it?
I certainly like walking in Moonlight if there are no stray dogs around 🙂
Make the stray dogs your friends and they will become your bodyguards.