The wild ancestor of donkey is the african wild ass The first captivity of wild donkey donkey was in Egypt and Western Asia as 2800 BC TO 2500 BC
Donkeys help human in many places around the world
The average life of a donkey or ass 35 to 40 years
Donkey had calming nature
It is wonderful beast for burden
It carries heavy load from one place to other
It is also used for ridding
Question of
Is donkey help humans?
Question of
Is donkey help humans?
The donkey is used as working animal
Donkey is very useful for human
I like your post kamran . . .
I have checked all of your posts, thanks.
Thanks fof viewing my all post
I very rarely see the donkeys in our land.
Thanks for liking my post ……..
Very helpull animal for human
I haven’t seen a donkey in a long time.
Yes, many animals can be helpful to humans.