<a href="http://www.desktopimages.org/preview/8528/2048/1152" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>
The movie, released in 2011 was one I had wanted to see. Captain America was my favorite comic book character when I was growing up. I started out like most of the kids I grew up with loving Superman and Batman. I moved to Captain America when I was probably 9 or 10 years old and remained a fan.
True to the story is hard with movies. But the first Captain America movie did a great job. First in casting a great lead and then in building out a solid cast.
My rating for the movie is a solid 5.
CGI for the movie was amazing.
The cast was tremendous and fit the roles well.
Villian was particularly good.
It is a solid Super Hero movie, and as a Cpatina America Fan I was quite happy!
Captain America The First Avenger was an average movie.
You are of course, welcome to your opinion. I would tend to disagree, so I would ask why do you think it is average?
I I loved the movie! I agree; the computer graphics were amazing. Chris Evans was perfect for the lead role. Hugo Weaving was also terrific, and I was amazed to learn a few years later that Richard Armitage, who appeared in The Hobbit along with Weaving, had played the brief role of Heinz Kruger in The First Avenger. Joe Johnson was great at directing this.
agree, agree and agree!
It is a great movie with a great cast!
My rating for this movie is 6/10
I love the movie! I went to it twice in the theaters and pre-ordered the blu-ray disk the minute I could!!!!!