Sydney: A new cheese eating record has been established in Australia in a one go, which is confirmed by Guinness World Records.
The event was organized by the Australian company, Kathy Harrington and Cangro Valley Agriculture and Society, In which thousand of women were gathered at one place, and ate cheese with different flavors. Kathy Harrington says that cheese is a better item for health and the function is to promote this healthy tendency.
Remember, The Cangro Valley is situated in the New South Wales where the cheese is prepared in large quantity and is sent to Australia, this time the record number was confirmed by the Guinness Book of World Record.
Question of
Do you like cheese ?
Question of
Can you eat cheese more than 500g ?
Yeah , it is interesting
I like cheese but not in huge quantities………
that’s nice to heard from you
I am not too crazy about cheese. I eat very little cheese.
There is a study that people who cheese daily they are likely very tall in height
I love cheese, but I do not know if I would go to the competition.
If you think and enough confident there is always an opportunity for you
Thank you for your moral help ?
I love cheese but would never be in a food eating contest.
that’s really interesting , eating less is guaranty to healthy life