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A walk in Summer

A few days ago I posted a set of photos entitled A Frosty Morning. This set date from several years ago, and were taken in the height of summer. Some of them show the same views as the Frosty Morning shots – but  looking very different!

A walk in Summer (4)

    • This is a narrow field with an official “right of way” footpath down the middle of it. It is now on my regular morning dog walk, and it is in my “Frosty Morning” set.

A walk in Summer (5)

This pond was frozen over in my Frosty Morning set.

A walk in Summer (6)

This song thrush attracted my attention!

A walk in Summer (8)

Nearly home again! This is the Baptist chapel, which boasts an accurate clock. I live inthe street that you can just see on the left with a car parked at the end of it.

    • This is Barlestone, a village in Leicestershire where I have lived for nearly 30 years. It is a very old settlement, mentioned in Domesday Book (1086) although there are no original features to be found!



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Written by Indexer