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Anturium is a very decorative indoor plant. The flaming flower is often referred to as the people because it looks like this bird.Flamingo flower (Anthurium) belongs to exotic plants.The temperature in the room should be 16 ° C, that the air humidity is higher and that it is light. It must not be in direct sunlight.It is very interesting with its beautiful dark-green, hard, leathery, deep-cut, sharp-leafed leaves that stand dense on solid stumps.He is also loved by the bright colors of his wrinkled flowers in the shape of a heart. They can be white (most often), red, pink or some combination of these colors. Blooms every year, most often from February to July. It is also often used as a cut flower because it can last for more than a month in a vase.The red flowers of the anturium, because of their heartfelt form, a man gives a woman a gift to make her know that his heart belongs to her.

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Written by Branka Drobnjak