There are many studies that indicate increasing your nitric oxide levels has many health benefits. What is even more exciting is the news that it is easy to boost those levels.
Here are some of the options
Breathe deeply
Eat dark chocolate
Laugh really laugh
Get a little more sunshine
Eat seafood, celery, and beets
Increase the number of work out and decrease the intensity.
If you have a good blender or a Nutribullet there is a great great pudding recipe that is rich and healthy as well.
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Would you change eating habits to help raise your natric oxide levels?
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Would you like to hear more about the pudding?
Thank you very much for very useful tips … I will test them
It worked for me and I love my doctor.
. My friend was taking lozenges he bought from a health clinic, but they cost $100/month so I started making I make beet kvass and drink it everey day to increase my nitric oxide levels, but also because I love its earthy taste. I can make a gallon at home for about $5.
That’s very interesting maybe you could teach us all how to do it.
I posted pictures in my viril Beets or Sweets which is showing up below this one, but I didn’t give the recipe because there are so many online. But basically you just wash and chop a bunch of beets and put them in a clean gallon glass jar with filtered water and 1 Tablespoon sea salt, then put a cloth over the top and let them sit at room temp for 6 days. I usually put half a bunch in each of 2 half gallon jars myself. Then save some of your first batch as “starter” and your second batch will be ready in 3 days. Cover and refrigerate. It keeps for months, getting better with time.