<a rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" data-snax-placeholder="Source" class="snax-figure-source" href="https://www.catalogfavorites.com/itemdy00.aspx?T1=V8461+L" target="_blank">https://www.catalogfavorites.com/itemdy00.aspx?T1=V8461+L</a>
I have to tell you this would work perfectly for my husband. If someone speaks to him and says something he doesn’t understand he just says “I’m retired, ask her.” He says it a lot. I am certain that if my sister saw this shirt it would be here on his birthday or for Christmas. What is even more funny is that he would probably wear it everyday hoping that no one would ever ask him a question. He doesn’t mind talking it is answering he has issues with.
That is a nice tee shirt message for retirees.
thanks I think so. I also need and edit button – laughing.
I also make errors in spelling the titles of blogs myself.