As weird as we would like others to believe differently, statistics don’t lie, so, have you ever concocted your work experience in order to get a better job, or maybe even held back the truth in order to spare the feelings of someone you love?
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Some may call this a white lie. However, at any rate, how light or nice you may try to make of those scenarios, they’re all still just lies.
While you’re conferring in your mind, telling yourself what you will say, whether it is the truth or not, in order to get the other participant to budge, is no less a lie.
The most lies originate from relationships and begin with cheating. They are the lies that give lying a bad name. While the truth may set you free from guilt, it seldom turns out that the truth offers the best outcome for a situation.
Lies, to the receiver, may cause feelings of distrust and this is a normal reaction when acts of manipulation are present, but in the long run, the intent is what will recover the relationship. To lie is to make a false statement intentionally. Once you determine what that person’s intentions were for fabricating the lie, you can determine the correct course of action to handle it or how to feel about the situation.
I trust you can see that I am not condoning spiteful deceit, I’m simply saying that it’s the situation and intent which determines the seriousness of a lie. You need to choose very wisely according to every situation, in order to figure out when it will be to your advantage, or not, to tell a lie and whether you’ll hurt yourself or others by telling the lie.
As the receiver of the lie, you chose what you accept or not. Remember, feelings create our actions. A lie is a constructive attempt to manipulate the outcome of a situation before it happens, but we make the choice whether to accept that information or to dig a little deeper.
People can tell you what they believe is inside your package, but it’s up to you to look inside or just believe them.
The lies have very short legs, greetings, good post.
Hello, Oscar that is an interesting analogy, one, that for the moment, has slipped my memory, care to elaborate?
Besides you can only cover them with another and another, for experience, lol at the end you do not remember the first and everything collapses, greetings Andre.
Greetings Oscar, I get it now and I wholeheartedly concur. Thanks for explaining my friend.