
Wander project soon back to Annapolis!

The arrival of March brings us closer to the season of boating. We stop in October and commence roughly the end of March.  April and sometimes all the way into the middle of May are cooler and the water a little rougher. This year on the boat we have several fun milestones. First and coolest from a technology perspective is the arrival of our long-awaited ROV from Trident. ROV’s let you explore underwater, and share pictures and videos of that!

The other fun part of boating is just getting away from the work week. We, like many people in the DC area, spend a lot of time during the week working, driving and avoiding traffic when possible. Funny but boat traffic is more relaxing than car traffic. Don’t ask me why, perhaps if you take away a destination, then traffic no longer impacts your concept of late or early. You simply go until you get there. You travel at your pace!

Shout out by the by to our wonderful Marina Annapolis Landing. We are ready to come back for our boating season!

That said, the dogs are ready as well. They like getting away from the house and seeing what they can see. Weekends are their time, and they guard their time zealously. With perhaps more ferocity than they should, but it is their time. As of today 21 days, 3 weeks and probably one nasty storm from boating season!


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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