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Simplify Your Life by Saving the Earth

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

I went to UCI to pick up some Eco tips to simplify my life.

  1. Make your own facial mask. I did a sample at this UCI event, but my sample only has coffee grounds and honey. You can also add whole milk. And, if you want to make it vegan, use coconut oil, instead of honey, with coffee grounds. I might try doing the vegan version myself, after my current sample. This recipe consists of 1 cup of whole milk, 1/2 cup of coffee grounds, and 1 tablespoon of honey, but you can make it vegan or vegetarian.

2. After brewing your daily coffee, recycle your coffee grounds into compost, soap, slug repellent, skincare scrub, and it can also be added to your henna for a richer color. Coffee grind can be used to make other useful products.

3. I also decided to grow a basil plant, even though I don’t have a green thumb.

(I placed my basil bag on a windowsill upstairs, inside my den. I need to remember to check on it twice per week to water it).

4. Make your own homemade toothpaste. This recipe consists for 3 tablespoons of baking soda, 2 tablespoons of coconut oil, 3 teaspoons for xylitol or stevia, and 5 drops of peppermint oil or any other oils that you might have. But make sure that your oil is organic and non-alcoholic.

Use reusable cups and straws, especially when you go out to buy a drink, because you are not just helping the earth, but you might also get a discount at some restaurants. I received this metal straw souvenir at this event. I also have some plastic ones at home, although I accidentally broke one when I was trying to clean the inside.

Carry your reusable and refillable bottles and cups wherever you go.

5. Be aware of how much water you are using while showering, bathing, doing housework, washing your car, bathing pets, and using a dishwasher. Do your housework after 7 pm, as well as try to shower at night, maybe before bedtime.

6. On a nice, sunny and warm day, consider riding your bicycle or going on a nature hike, which are good form of exercise as well as a fun activities to connect and hang out with others.

7. During the holidays, use a fake tree for your decorations. Let the real trees grow strong and big in the earth and under the sky. Real trees are not meant to be indoors, suffocating in a domestic environment, and often used as fire hydrant and chew toy by domestic pets.

8. Learn DIY tips from others, such as Facebook groups, YouTube videos, and various sites on the Internet. Learn, grow, and share the information with others.

9. Place your garbage in the appropriate bin, even if you might need to label each bin to remind yourself what goes in each bin.

10. Go Vegan or Vegetarian as well as promote more animal sanctuaries to save more farm animals, wildlife, and domestic animals from further slaughter, mass murder, and destruction for profit. Many animals have already become distinct, and most likely intentional for the NWO depopulation agenda.


What do you think?

10 Points


  1. i noticed a stupid typo on my post. i just wrote the wrong word by accident, and the sentence sounds stupid. in the last sentence in this post, the word “distinct” is supposed to be EXTINCT no distinct. my brain doesnt work sometimes because my brain is think one thing, and i type something else.
