It has been confirmed that a price conscious mentality is evident in people who avidly search for low prices. They tend to use dehumanizing words for the employees of companies selling goods and services at a discount. Maybe they see these employees as cheap labor, not worth the value in human terms, or they are consumed in their selfish me-first attitude. Sometimes, as was seen in the case of Ryanair, an airline that provides services at a discount, they go out of their way to write disparaging comments about the flight attendants and the services rendered, which sometimes is not true. Even if the services rendered are below expectation, they go out of their way to be disparaging. This is uncalled for.
This problem has consequences for employee retention. Also, it destroys the relationship between customers and employees which many companies fight to preserve.
This poll is the second part of this series.You can get the first part by following this link:
Is it the right price – part 1
Question of
Do you love buying at a discount?
Question of
Have you complained about the discount a company offered?
Question of
Do companies offering discounts treat their employees well?
Question of
Are salespeople deserving of respect?
Question of
Do you think discount stores are competitive?
Good poll. However, I always check the quality first before I buy at a discount.
That is very important otherwise you might be buying trash.
Good poll. However, it depends on what the company is. Sometimes the quality is just as good full price and other times not.
That is why one has to be careful. Read the reviews even while the price has fallen.
Thanks for the compliment. Will keep producing good polls.
Good poll, all stores have to be competitive.
Thanks for the compliment. Will keep producing good polls.