Last Sunday we went to Pokeno about 40 minutes drive south from where we live.
Pokeno has Markets on Sundays, every Sunday. It has the famous Pokeno Butcher, which boast the best sausages and bacon and other meat, plus ice cream parlours.
Although there is a coffee shop there, it’s cheaper to buy coffee at the market. Tea and Coffee are $1.00 and for $1.00 you can buy something small and home made to go with it.
In the sweltering heat. It’s great to finish off with an ice cream. We are going through a heat wave in New Zealand at the moment. This January has been the hottest it’s ever been. It isn’t the heat so much but 75-80% humidity, and sometimes 90% humidity. One person has died already from this heat wave.
In severe heat drink plenty of water. Water is the best.
#1 View of the Bombay Hills
#2 Pokeno Market and our cafe.
#3 Bird’s eggs in a shop which sells sea shells.
#4 Abstract of Various in Shell Shop
#5 Shell Vendor
#6 Butterfly’s he collected
He has an odd curiosity shop of various items. Mum used to collect sea shells. To no avail, while she and her brothers collected, Granny being efficient would soon throw them out because as a child Mums family moved from country to country in the Eastern Oriental countries. They couldn't afford to have a lot of things.
The back round looks like a painting. Great shot here, I love the light pole too.
I was about to say that the background looks like a painting too! Wonderful view!
Thanks so much Kim & Ellie for your kind comments