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Drawing Children Aging

As a child ages their face gets longer and sleeker, their baby teeth are replaced with permanent larger adult teeth, the nose gets longer and the neck does too. The eyes of a young child are lower on the face than the older child and adult. If you think your picture makes the child look too old, lower the eyes and see if that does it. Some of these pictures from my 100 days of drawing children are older children nearing their teens and their faces have a more adult like look. Part of the challenge in drawing children is getting the drawing to match the age of the child. I challenged myself to draw one face for 100 days thinking at the end I would surely have improved.

What do you think?


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11 Points

Written by Paintdrips


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  1. These drawings are very excellent. There is a book by Loomis with people’s drawing instructions and he gives the ageing progress from baby to adult in men and in women. I think you captured the proportions of the face and age right.

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