Thursday, 12.21.17
Water, salt and Whole Grain Flour are the only ingredients you need to make bread. All-Purpose Flour has starch and lasts longer on the store shelves. So, next time you buy your bread in the grocery store, and you want to make sure you are buy “good” bread, just make sure it has three basic ingredients” water, salt, and whole grain flour. Everything else doesn’t really need to be in your bread, but there for business purposes in order for corporations to make a profit with selling maximum amount of bread on a daily basis.
I added an IMVU snapshot, where my IMVU avatar is enjoying pretzels she made herself with water, salt and whole grain flour. But she bought the vegan pie at the local IMVU grocery store.
Homemade bread is my dream cause its advantages for health are apparent! Thank you so much for this article & all my sincere Christmas wishes are here –
I got interested in homemade bread because of so much internet recipes on youtube made it look easy with few simple items. now, i need to practice.
I love homemade berad but I make a shortcut with my bread machine!