Have you ever stirred up a hornet’s nest by saying something innocently? Happens here on Viriliy as it does in other places, right?
However, I was quite stunned to see a hornets nest for the first time, this is the Vespa affinis or the lesser banded hornet’s nest . These hornets are common in tropical and subtropical Asia. These nests are built high up on the trees or houses. They look so strong and sturdy and have many entrances .
The tear shaped/drop shaped nest are about a feet in length. The hornets diet consists mainly of nectar from flowers,tree sap and fruits but they also have a heavy protein diet of bees and meat of freshly dead insects.
Question of
Have you seen a hornet’s nest before?
Question of
Do you have hornets where you live?
That’s scary, the verbal hornets seem more innocent.
Do you really think so? I stirred one here not so long ago without actually knowing what it was and suffered major injuries LOL
That’s common, unfortunately. The world has become too sensitivite about words, in my opinion.
That looks very dangerous. Amazing what it looks like.
I love your reaction , I was exactly like that.
I haven’t seen these nests yet. I would avoid him.
Better avoided Vidocka, I is really dangerous.
We had hornets growing up and we kept our distance.
Hmm .. I had never seen one before now.
I have never seen a hornets nest. It must be a great view.
This is the first and only time I saw a hornets nest. I thought at that time of taking the picture that it was a birds nest, but the people there alerted me that it was dangerous to get too close.
i sadly have found hornets nests after felling a tree. they, the hornets were not happy with me.
Oh my goodness, were you attacked badly?
23 stings, it was quite painful. The worst part was running up the hill and hearing my dad laughing.
“I said check the tree first.” then he started laughing again.
Ouch.. That must have been doubly painful. I am so sorry.
about a month later my dad lit the brush pile on fire. When I got there on Sunday late afternoon for a family dinner, he had burned half the back garden with his fire.
i got to laugh!