I see the sun going about its duty regardless of what goes on in the world. It seems it has no connection rising and setting as usual.
I clicked this photo a couple of days ago. It did reduce the tension around. It brightened up the surroundings. It provided the much needed vitamin D and reports have it that it may even help get rid of the COVID-19 virus. It is summer here and hopefully it will play its role.
More search is required to be done to ascertain whether the heat of the sun will help get rid of the virus.
Do you think summer will help get rid of COVID-19?
The sun is light but only a symbol of true light. What can be brighter than the light?
Hoping it will do more than just providing light.
I certainly think that the summer will see the end of this and I am already looking forward to walking on the beach
I too am waiting to see more human faces (lol)
Yes , I think sun will help in eliminating the COVID-19
Research I think is still on it.
I think Covid 19 will soon pass…but hopefully it has taught us something?
Oh yes. It has indeed taught us lots of things.
It was believed summer heat will destroy coronavirus but I am reading now an article that says it is not so clear. The sun will always shine but one day perhaps it will shine with no humans on the planet.
That is a morbid thought but that could be a possibility with the kind of disasters we face.
When a doctor in my country videos via video that sunlight helps get rid of corona, many parties immediately argue and then state that the video is a hoax. Ah… however the sun is important, useful, and beautiful, like in that picture.
Long time no c!!! How are you?
Yes the sun is important and I get the feeling it will help eradicate this virus.
I’m great, dear friend. Thank you. In this case, I have the same feeling as you.
I am hoping for good days to come.