We all know them, or at least we think we know them. We amused by their life habits that bring activity and a sense of joy in the woods even in the cold days of winter. As a child, we learn they would be some kind of “forest doctors” without knowing exactly what that means. Beyond their appearance, somewhat cheerful to us, humans, the puppeteers remain a group of birds as interesting as they are so fond, with many unexpected aspects in the mythology of many peoples. In a Romanian fairy tale it is said that Green woodpecker( Ghionoaie in Romanian language) have once been a woman so bad that no one steps on her estate without being killed. However, these birds are a delight to the eyes of those who meet them.
Have you ever seen this bird in your area?
That is a very lovely green woodpecker. I don’t know where the woodpeckers are in Florida. I had one here that I heard pecking on the wooden pole holding up electric wires but it seems to have gone away
Amazing bird. I love learning about new species. He is a beauty.