I went with my husband to a French bòok store today:Here are my wish list of books to read! Would you add more? Do you read French?
Le Prieure de Lor Anger
If I was a fluent reader in French, and could read French like I read English, I would choose this book. The cover looks exciting, maybe it is a Fantasy bòok, and it is very thick. If it were in English maybe it would take me a week to read it. But in French that book would take me a year.
Harry Potter wt a Coup de Feu
I would next choose this book, Harry Potter and the Gpblet of Fire. I have read thia in English, so maybe it wouldn't be as difficult to understand. And in honor of 20 years since the publication of Harry Potter, this is a beautiful illustrated edition, with the same text, well translated into French .
This book cost 25 Euro wow very expensive!
They say you can’t judge a book by its cover. But I judge books by their cover all the time. LOL.