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Wish list of French books to read

I went with my husband to a French bòok store today:Here are my wish list of books to read! Would you add more? Do you read French?

Le Prieure de Lor Anger

If I was a fluent reader in French, and could read French like I read English, I would choose this book. The cover looks exciting, maybe it is a Fantasy bòok, and it is very thick. If it were in English maybe it would take me a week to read it. But in French that book would take me a year.

Harry Potter wt a Coup de Feu

I would next choose this book, Harry Potter and the Gpblet of Fire.  I have read thia in English, so maybe it wouldn't be as difficult to understand. And in honor of 20 years since the publication of Harry Potter, this is a beautiful illustrated edition, with the same text, well translated into French .

Le Petit Prince

I ended up buying this one, I have it in English an Hebrew, I had it in Spanish, now since lost, but never in the original French.  So I will tty to study it while I am on vacation  here ib Brussels, Belgium.

  1. I am working on this book. I do a page a day, first i read the pahe, write down the words I don’t know, then I look them up in Google Translate. Lastly, I read the page again. This is a good way to learn a foreign language. Yes it takes time, but it is worth it.



What do you think?


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  1. Le Petit Prince was probably one of the first book I read when in primary school. As for “Le prieure de l’oranger” or the Priory of the Orange Tree, it sounds like a good fantasy book and is listed as such. As much as I love my French Canadian language, I rather enjoy much more reading in English but I will translate from English to French or vice versa.


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